Tuesday 12 May 2009

My trip in Prage.

I’m going to speak abut my last school year trip in Prague on the seventeenth to the twenty-second of April.
On the 17th April, to start our travel, we’ve got a meting on the But Sport’s place in Chimay with about forty-five students of our school. We leave the area of Chimay at about 4a.m. and we’ve got to do about fourteen hours of journey. It was during the night so a lot of people slept during this one. Further after three movies I think that a normal people want to sleep… However there were some weird people who don’t sleep at all!
We arrived to Prague at about six o’clock, one hour earlier in our planning so we have to wait during an hour before to discover our hotel and to have our first breakfast.
After that we started with a visit of the old Prague with its baroque architecture and all the little places. The old Prague isn’t a part of the city how was ‘Haussmanisée’ so there are a lot of tiny and tangled streets and places who doesn’t have a regular shape. There are also a lot of towers, we even called Prague ‘the city of the 100 towers’…
We meet also our tow guides who came with us during all the travel. I’m can’t say there name, too hard to writhe… We divided the band in tow more little groups. Like that it was easier to listen and understand what was told.
On midday we come back to our hotel and we finally could go on our particular room… Directly every body nodded off… Exhausted by the journey!
After this little siesta we went to visit the new Prague with the famous and well know place of the Astrological Clock. In fact it’s a much elaborated clock how show the hours and the moment of the day by six different ways and every hour on the dote the twelve apostles appear. Besides this machines works since some century and there are a lot of legends told in Prague who come around this clock… For example people say that the eyes of the constructor were burned to be sure that he don’t realise the same machine anywhere! We saw also much of other building like the theatre, the library, the powder tower and so on.

The second day we took back the car to go and see the castle of Prague … In fact it’s on the heights of the city… There, there is a monastery all in function with a bigger and a wonderful library built in the ancient grain loft. From this place we could see a wonderful views of the entire city, we were very lucky because the weather was nice on this day. And of course after that we visited the castle and we had he opportunity to see the changing of the guards.
After that we take the bus again for one hour and an half to go to the famous an sadly-know: Terezin. It was impressed and deeply moving to imagine the horrors there were there. For example when you see the house of the boss who lived there with all the family during that perhaps teen people were killed just behind his wall… How the human can do thing like that?

The third day we moved to tow thermal city: Karlovy Vary and Marienbad. It was very beautiful. The buildings look like the Wall Disney’s one. There the guides told us the story of the city and the origins of the famous and supernatural water. It’s strange because in this city there are about twelve sources of hot water: between 136,40°F and 152,60°F. And around this strange phenomenon a lot of big and gorgeous hotel and spas were build… Someone has even made a liqueur has base of this water: the Becherovka. They sold also some very fine pancake undergrowth with chocolate, lemon or with nothing a little like a very fine ‘cent wafer’… We visited an orthodox church with a lot of gilts and flash colour…

The last day we stayed in Prague. After making our luggage to come back in the evening we started a visit of the Jewish district with some mosques, a lot of explication from our guides about the kind of live of those people and also the Jewish cemetery. This one is very really old and nobody is buried since the 19th century. The graves are in such disorder that sometimes the there are three bodies above the other one. In the afternoon we’ve got free time before to leave. So we take advantage of that to do some shopping. It was great.
At 5 o’clock we took back the bus to come back and we arrived in Chimay at 7a.m.

The food.

We stayed in an all inclusive hotel so we took every meal in this one. For breakfast we used to have some strange cakes with sugar, cream or jam into. I find thy not very good… but it’s always interesting to discover things that you don’t know. There was also fruits, normal bread, cheese, vegetable with coffee, the, orange and apple juice or milk as drink.
Every midday the hotel gave us a small package with a sandwich with a little bottle of water and a chocolate bare.
And every evening, on seven on the dote, we had a full diner with 3 flats. The last day we had got a typical meal of the area : it was kind of compressed white bread with stuck of bacon into with a special sauce and some slice of bread and up of all that there was a slice of lemon, a ring of whipped cream and some jam in the middle. At the first eye every one look surprising but in the end it was one of the best meals I’ve ever at there.

The hotel.

In fact the hotel was a true boat, call ‘the Florentina’. So every morning we could see the other boats passed on the river (the Moldau as the symphonic poetry of Bedřich Smetana, a Tcheque composer). It was very nice.
We stayed in double rooms (for me I stayed with Lise F). In each room there were tow very really comfortable beds, a telly with Tcheque channels of course (however there were one or tow musical channels so it was sufficient for us), a radio, a little bathroom with a shower, a washbasin and a huge mirror. If I have to note this hotel I think I’ll give it a A+.

The evenings

The first evening we were all very really exhausted so we only went out for a drink by little band… There were even people who didn’t get out at all… We went in a big café, very friendly, there were even a little concert… but we didn’t stay a long time… And it was about the same for the second evening, the days were full and we had to wake up early in the morning, so…
But on the last evening we where allowed to go out until tow and an half so we took advantage of it to go visiting the bigger discotheque of east-Europe… I was great: the bear was cheap, the music was pleasant and the ambiance with the other was crazy! We even met tow very kind guys who come from Rotterdam. We speak with us in three different languages: French, Dutch and English of course… Even sometimes in the same phrase. It was a very great evening…

The weather.

We were very lucky because the first day we didn’t see the sun at all but the rest of the trip was sunny. It never rained.

The word of the end.

This trip in Prague was a good experience to finish our secondary school. The visits were interesting, in the majority people were friendly and the hotel was very nice. I enjoyed it very much. I don’t know if I’ll come back there one time in my life but it was nice to discoverer a city of east-Europe. Just one little thing: if one day I have to organize a travel for young people as us, I thing I would try to do more physical activities and a bit less of visits. But in the hall this trip was well done and well organized.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

"Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?" - Offspring

From 'Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace', the eighth studio album by the American punk rock.

There’s a moment in time

And it’s stuck in my mind

Way back, when we were just kids

Cause your eyes told the tale

Of an act of betrayal

I knew that somebody did

Oh, waves of time

Seem to wash away

The scenes of our crimes

But for you this never ends

Can you stay strong?

Can you go on?

Kristy are you doing okay?

A rose that won’t bloom

Winter’s kept you

Don’t waste your whole life trying

To get back what was taken away

Though the marks on your dress

Had been neatly repressed

I knew that something was wrong

And I should have spoke out

And I’m so sorry now

I didn’t know

Cause we were so young

Oh, clouds of time

Seem to rain on

Innocence left behind

And it never goes away

Can you stay strong?

Can you go on?

Kristy are you doing okay?

A rose that won’t bloom

Winter’s kept you

Don’t waste your whole life trying

To get back what was taken away

Oh, clouds of time

Seem to rain on

Innocence left behind

And it never goes away

It never goes away

Can you stay strong?

Can you go on?

Kristy are you doing okay?

A rose that won’t bloom

Winter’s kept you

Don’t waste your whole life trying

To get back what was taken away

Don’t waste your whole life trying

To get back what was taken away

Dour 2009

The Dour Festival 09 will be held from Thursday July 16th until Sunday the 19th.

The Camping site will open on Wednesday July 15th from 4pm and will close on Monday 20th at 12 midday.

The first confirmed artists will be announced in the spring.DOUR FESTIVAL, a festival for music lovers and discoveries !

On Sept 16th 1989 the first Waloon rock festival opened its gates for the first time. At that time the ambition was to put the village of Dour on the rock map. Twenty years later the first Belgian festival to offer several stages and a camping site has been recognised internationally. Bands and festival goers from all over Europe gather at Dour every summer. Dour is a festival where everybody feels close to each other and every gig is really an excuse to party. We all go to Dour to party TOGETHER and listen to exciting music.

Dour Festival offers a unique, international, alternative, independent and ambitious line-up filled with varied and multicultural artists.One-Day tickets will go on sale at a later dateIf you prefer to wait until the full line-up is announced to buy your ticket, it will of course be possible to do so.

Littel word: this year again I going to go there a week bfore the festival to prepare this famous event with some guys... Last year it was one of the best time of my holidays... very exausted but very ecxiting too! from the preparation of the site with all the scenes and the camping to all the white night past to laugh on the main stage of somwhere on this huge site... it was a graet experience and you are very pround of you when you see all the 'festivalers' coming on the site...

So this year I hope te be accepted to work on ! I look foward to recieve this famous lettre who would say... 'Congratulation Ms you're accepted on the project one year more' !

Sunday 22 February 2009

Hello boys and girls,

I wanted just say 'have a nice week of holiday' to evryone... It'll probably be a too short week for all of us but after that there is the Chimay spring who's waiting for us... So we have to be fit and ready to manage our famous party! I want remember us that the rheto's party and Villers are the tow bigest and knowest evening of the year... and I don't say that because I come from Villers...

After that there will be only 6 weeks before the holidays of Pâques...So a not too long periode... That will past very speed... even too speed... and during this tow weeks of holiday some of us will probably already looking for a kot... I think evreybody is thiking to the next year life...

In four months we will say 'goodbye' to the college and 'hello' to the uniersity of some thing like that... so very very soon... Keep that in a little spot of your mind!;)

Wednesday 4 February 2009

A little présentation of myself...

Hello, I'm Harmonie, I'm17.

I'm student in my last year in the College Saint Joseph of Chimay.
I live in a little villlage in the south of the belgium, called Villers-La-Tour. It's situated next to Chimay, a town known all over the world for his famous beer.
I've got one brother called Géry, 12.

Next year I plan to go to Namur to study medicine. I know it would be hard... but I believe to... and I know also that I must enjoy this year to the full before beinding.

This blog is an English's project with all the students of my classroom so I can already say sorry for all the mistake I can do...

Good trip my dear !